Eesti Kardioloogide Seltsi ja Eesti Hüpertensiooni Ühingu ühispöördumine

Eesti Kardioloogide Selts ja Eesti Hüpertensiooni Ühing hoiatavad patsiente ja arste sotsiaalmeedias leviva valeinfo eest, kus soovitatakse Eesti Kardioloogide Ühingu nimel osta uudset Eestis välja töötatud vererõhuravimit „ReCardio“. Tegemist on pettusega, mille eesmärgiks on müüa Eestis keelatud toidulisandit (

Eesti Kardioloogide Selts ja Eesti Hüpertensiooni Ühing lükkavad ümber kõik seal esitatud info ja hoiatavad patsiente mitte tarbima teadmata päritoluga toidulisandeid ja ravimeid.

Küsimuste korral tuleb nõu pidada oma perearstiga.

ESH ja ISH ühine konverents 29.05-01.06.2020, Glasgow, UK.

29.05-01.06.2020 toimub ESH ja ISH ühine konverents Glasgows, UK-s. Täpsem informatsioon ISH kodulehel:


EHÜ aastakonverents 2018

EHÜ aastakonverents toimub 15.03.2018 Tallinna Kultuurikatlas. Täpsem info rubriigis “EHÜ aastakonverents 2018”

May Measurement Month (MMM)

ISH ja WHL ühisettevõtmine, et parandada teadlikust hüpertensioonist ja selle skriinimisest…


(Incorporating World Hypertension Day)


TO: Members of the ISH International Forum (IF) (Affiliated Society members) & WHL Member Organisations

Dear Colleague:

The World Hypertension League (WHL) has been running a very successful World Hypertension Day campaign for a number of years but undiagnosed hypertension continues to be a global burden on society, governments, health care professionals and individuals. To address this crisis, it is imperative that we increase the levels of awareness among the world’s hypertensive population (1).   This can only be achieved with your help and the help of your colleagues through the support of  May Measurement Month 2017 (MMM17) when World Hypertension Day will be expanded to create an exciting campaign delivered by the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) and the World Hypertension League (WHL).

We have an ambitious goal to screen 25 million people, who have not had their BPs measured since April 30, 2016, during the month of May 2017. To reach this target, each day throughout May we will need to screen on average 100 people in 100 sites in each of 100 countries (100 x 100 x 100 x 25 = 25 million!).  We appreciate that the number of sites will vary from country to country based on the population size. But a target to screen 1% of the population of each country will also get us to target. We believe that this goal is achievable but it can only be met with your support and commitment.  Please join us in this campaign to make a difference.  

With MMM17 we aim to:

  • highlight the need for increased screening for raised Blood Pressure (BP)
  • identify and reduce the BPs of over 2 million people whose raised BP requires intervention according to current guidelines.

How can you and your Society leaders and members get involved with MMM?

  • As a matter of urgency please help us to nominate a National Leader(s):
    • Help us to identify a leader(s) in your country to co-ordinate national activities. This person could be you, a representative of your national society or another suitably committed colleague.
  • Promotion and recruitment:
    • Spread the word about MMM17 and encourage your colleagues and friends to become involved: to establish screening centres, set up screening events in the month of May and / or dedicate their time as volunteers to screen targeted groups of your population. Volunteers may be nurses, doctors, medical students, community health workers etc.
    • Widely publicise MMM17 to the general public and encourage individuals to visit their local screening centre.

How will we support you?

  • MMM website – a stand alone website will soon be available where participants can sign up, download materials and learn more about the campaign
  • A specially designed App will be available to collect all of the blood pressure screening data.  Where a screening centre does not have easy access to the internet it will also be possible to supply your data on an excel database. This App will be made available to all those participating in MMM17,
  • We will supply a toolkit of information and supporting collateral. 
  • Two dedicated project managers will manage the MMM17 and will be available to answer any questions you may have and to help coordinate the global campaign. 

Why are we doing this?

Together, we must try to make a difference to the biggest single contributor to global death and the burden of this disease and we believe that increasing awareness of hypertension is one of the best ways of making such a difference.

MMM17 will represent the largest BP screening programme ever undertaken.  We plan to use the data collected to support research and to publish relevant articles on a national, regional and global level.  You can be part of this exciting initiative and these publications.

If you or a colleague are willing to get involved or become a national leader, then simply send the message “Count me in” to and we will follow up with more details.

Please sign up urgently.

We look forward to receiving your support so that together we CAN make a difference.

Yours sincerely

Neil Poulter                                                                                                       Daniel T Lackland                                                            

ISH President                                                                                                    WHL President

On behalf of the MMM ISH/WHL collaboration                                                                

Ref1 = PURE study (Chow et al JAMA 2013) Hypertension awareness was reportedly only 46% globally.

ESH 2017

Euroopa Hüpertensiooni Ühingu 27-s konverents “Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection” toimub 16-19 Juuni 2017 Milaanos

Euroopa Hüpertensiooni Ühingu 27-s konverents “Hypertension and Cardiovascular Protection” toimub 16-19 Juuni 2017 Milaanos

Täpsem informatsioon leheküljel:

Kutse alkoholikonverentsile „Piirid ja piirangud?“


Edastan kutse alkokonverentsile, mille palun võimaluse korral edastada Eesti Hüpertensiooni Ühingu listi.

Oleksin info levitamise eest väga tänulik.


Tarmo Seliste

Tervise Arengu Instituut


Alkoholikonverents 2016 „Piirid ja piirangud?“

Ootame Teid kolmapäeval, 23. novembril Swissotel Tallinnas (Tornimäe 3) toimuvale iga-aastasele alkoholikonverentsile.

Konverentsil arutletakse järgmistel teemadel:

•              alkoholi kättesaadavus Eestis

•              värskeimad andmed alkoholituru ja tarbimise kohta Eestis

•              uuemad andmed eestlaste suhtumisest alkoholi

Konverentsil osalemine on tasuta ja osalejate arv on piiratud. Tutvu päevakavaga.

Registreeruda saab hiljemalt 21. novembrini siin. Lisainfo registreerumise kohta e-posti aadressil

Konverents korraldatakse Euroopa Sotsiaalfondi toetuse andmise tingimuste  “Kainem ja tervem Eesti” raames.

Kohtumiseni konverentsil!

WHL’i uudiskiri September 2016

Dear WHL Members:

In preparation for the upcoming Hypertension Seoul 2016 and the 26th scientific meeting of the International Society of Hypertension ( to be held Sept. 25 -29, 2016 in Seoul, Korea, the World Hypertension League (WHL) would like to provide you with a few key updates.

As indicated in previous email messages and recent newsletters, the WHL will be holding our Executive, Board, and Council meetings on Sunday Sept. 25, 2016 at the Coex.  The Council portion of the meetings is open to all WHL members and will occur from 1 pm until 5 pm (1 pm – 5 pm).  Some of the topics to be addressed include feedback from members, Officer Terms, Constitution & By-Laws, recent publications & resources, World Hypertension Day, Regional WHL Offices, and more.  We certainly hope many of you are able to attend.  A map to the WHL conference room is attached.

We also encourage everyone attending the conference to stop by the WHL booth and meet some of the WHL Leadership and view some of our recent resources (e.g. 2016 facts sheets, newsletter, World Hypertension Day).  We will be sharing the space with the Journal of Clinical Hypertension, our home journal, and, together, plan to promote our Mission & Mandate.

For thse unable to attend, we will provide an update of the WHL Seoul proceedings in the September and December newsletter, on our website, and in email messages.

Be well everyone!


Mark L. Niebylski, PhD, MBA, MS

World Hypertension League – CEO


WHL’i uudiskiri: Juuni 2016

Hello WHL Members and Associate Members,

We wanted to share with you our latest WHL Newsletter!  This edition covers our awards, WHD 2016, an update on TRUE, as well as many other issues.  The PDF version is attached to this e-mail and you can also find it on our website at:
To see a complete list of WHD Activities visit our website at:
We will keep you all updated on our planning and progress for WHD 2017! We could not have reached our WHD goal of 3 million BP Screenings without the efforts of every single one of you!
Thank you!

Maailma Hüpertensiooni Liiga tegemistest

Maailma Hüpertensiooni Liiga edastas kokkuvõtte enda tegemistest ja üliedukast Maailma Hüpertensiooni päevast 2016

Hello WHL Members and Associate Members!
It has been a busy spring for the World Hypertension League!
We celebrated a very successful World Hypertension Day and thus far have obtained more than 5 million BP Screenings, which well exceeds our goal of 3 million!!!! To see what other members did to celebrate visit:
If you still have WHD activities to report it is not too late please send them to us!
We also successfully completed another round of WHL Awards!
To see the Notable Achievement Awardees visit:
And to see the terms, conditions, and how to nominate an individual or organization please visit:
We would also like to notify you of a new WHL Fact Sheet on Hypertension that was produced in coordination with several other organizations! To view this fact sheet visit:
We would also like to alert you on the important WHL events being planned for the 26th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension ( Sept 25 – 29, 2016 in Seoul, Korea.  The WHL council meeting is open to all WHL members will be convening on Sunday Sept 25th from 1:00-4:00 pm at the Coex (tentatively scheduled for room R2, this will be confirmed as soon as possible via e-mail) and will follow the WHL Executive and Board meeting occurring that morning.  The council meeting will include presentations on World Hypertension Day 2016, WHL, awards, review of the by-laws, and more.  Throughout the week, the WHL will also be displaying a booth in the vendor area which will be manned by our leadership in alliance with the Journal of Clinical Hypertension (JCH), the WHL home journal.

During the conference, among the invited speakers, there will be presentations by Dr. Norm Campbell, WHL Past-President, and Dr. Michael Weber, Head Editor of JCH.  We look forward to seeing you there!


Soon we will also be sharing the latest issue of the WHL Newsletter with you and we ask that you share it with your societies and other colleagues who may be interested in it!
We look forward to what the rest of 2016 will bring to WHL!
Thank you,

Dr. Mark Niebylski, CEO-World Hypertension League

CPPEI 2016 Congress, Bratislava

30 juuni – 2 juuli toimub Bratislavas esimene vanemaealiste kardiovaskulaarhaiguste preventsiooni kongress.

Dear Colleagues,

The 1st Congress of Cardiovascular Prevention in Pre-Elderly and Elderly Individuals, CPPEI 2016, is taking place already in two months time — in June 30-July 2nd in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Would it be possible for you to forward to your society members the attached Newsletter or the congress website?

We would also be happy to offer to all the members of the supporting associations the 30% discount for the registration rates. Please kindly advise if that might be of interest for you and your members, and I will send you the details for the discounted registration?

We much hope to see you soon in Bratislava!

Kind regards,


Elena Parfenova
CPPEI 2016 Congress Marketing Manager

1st Congress of Cardiovascular Prevention in Pre-Elderly and Elderly Individuals (CPPEI2016)