CPPEI 2016 Congress, Bratislava

30 juuni – 2 juuli toimub Bratislavas esimene vanemaealiste kardiovaskulaarhaiguste preventsiooni kongress.

Dear Colleagues,

The 1st Congress of Cardiovascular Prevention in Pre-Elderly and Elderly Individuals, CPPEI 2016, is taking place already in two months time — in June 30-July 2nd in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Would it be possible for you to forward to your society members the attached Newsletter or the congress website?

We would also be happy to offer to all the members of the supporting associations the 30% discount for the registration rates. Please kindly advise if that might be of interest for you and your members, and I will send you the details for the discounted registration?

We much hope to see you soon in Bratislava!

Kind regards,


Elena Parfenova
CPPEI 2016 Congress Marketing Manager

1st Congress of Cardiovascular Prevention in Pre-Elderly and Elderly Individuals (CPPEI2016)