Maailma Hüpertensiooni Liiga tegemistest
Maailma Hüpertensiooni Liiga edastas kokkuvõtte enda tegemistest ja üliedukast Maailma Hüpertensiooni päevast 2016
Hello WHL Members and Associate Members!
It has been a busy spring for the World Hypertension League!
We celebrated a very successful World Hypertension Day and thus far have obtained more than 5 million BP Screenings, which well exceeds our goal of 3 million!!!! To see what other members did to celebrate visit: index.php/features/world- hypertension-day/world- hypertension-day-activities- 2016
If you still have WHD activities to report it is not too late please send them to us!
We also successfully completed another round of WHL Awards!
To see the Excellence Awardees visit: http://www.whleague. org/images/ ExcellenceAwardeesMay2016.pdf
To see the Notable Achievement Awardees visit: http://www.whleague. org/images/ NotableAchievementAwardees2016 updated.pdf
And to see the terms, conditions, and how to nominate an individual or organization please visit: http://www.whleague. org/index.php/news-awards- recognition/nomination- guidance-information-for- notable-achievement-awards
We would also like to notify you of a new WHL Fact Sheet on Hypertension that was produced in coordination with several other organizations! To view this fact sheet visit: http://onlinelibrary. 12840/abstract
We would also like to alert you on the important WHL events being planned for the 26th Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Hypertension ( Sept 25 – 29, 2016 in Seoul, Korea. The WHL council meeting is open to all WHL members will be convening on Sunday Sept 25th from 1:00-4:00 pm at the Coex (tentatively scheduled for room R2, this will be confirmed as soon as possible via e-mail) and will follow the WHL Executive and Board meeting occurring that morning. The council meeting will include presentations on World Hypertension Day 2016, WHL, awards, review of the by-laws, and more. Throughout the week, the WHL will also be displaying a booth in the vendor area which will be manned by our leadership in alliance with the Journal of Clinical Hypertension (JCH), the WHL home journal.
During the conference, among the invited speakers, there will be presentations by Dr. Norm Campbell, WHL Past-President, and Dr. Michael Weber, Head Editor of JCH. We look forward to seeing you there!
Soon we will also be sharing the latest issue of the WHL Newsletter with you and we ask that you share it with your societies and other colleagues who may be interested in it!
We look forward to what the rest of 2016 will bring to WHL!
Thank you,
Dr. Mark Niebylski, CEO-World Hypertension League